Functional Programming
“Functional Programming” can mea a few different things:
- Avoid mutation in most cases
- Using functions as values
- Style encouraging recursion and recursive data structures
- Style closer to mathematical definitions
- Programming idioms using laziness
- Anything not OOP or C?(not a good definiation)
Not sure a definiation of “functional language” exits beyond makes functional programming easy / default / required
First-class Functions
- First-Class functions: Can use them wherever we use values
- Functions are values too
- Arguments,results parts of tuples, bound to variable, carried by datatype constructors exceptions…
fun double x = 2*x
fun incr x = x+1
val a_tuple = (double,incr,double(incr 7))
val eighteen = (#1 a_tuple) 9
- Most common use is as an argument / result of another function
- Other function is called a higher-order-function
- Powerful way to factor out common functionality
Function Closures
- Function closure: Functions can use bindings from outside the function defination(in scope where function is defined)
- Makes first-class functions much more powerful
- Will get to this feature in a bit, after simpler examples
- Distinction between terms first-class functions and function closure is not universally understood
- Important conceptual distinction even if terms get muddled
Functions As Arguments
- We can pass one function as an argument to another function
- Not a new feature,just never thought to do it before
Elegant strategy for factoring out common code
- REplace N similar functions with calls to 1 function where you pass in N different(short) functions as arguments.
- 数学描述 : f(g(x))
Polymorphic Types and Functions As Arguments
The Key point
HOF are often so “generic” and “reusable” that they have polymorphic types, i.e, types with type variables
But there are HOF that are polymorphic
ALways a good idea to understand the type of a a function, especially a HOF
的类型为: val n_times = fn : ('a -> 'a) * int * 'a -> 'a
严格的限制成某一类型:(int -> int) * int * int -> int
This polymorphism makes
more useful
Anonymous Functions
fun n_times(f,n,x) =
if n=0 then x
else f(n_times(f,n-1,x))
fun triple x = 3*x
fun triple_n_times(n,x) = n_times(triple,n,x)
val x3 = triple_n_times(2,3)
- 使用
fun triple_n_times(n,x) = n_times(let triple x = x*3 in triple end ,n,x)
- 使用匿名函数:
fun triple_n_times(n,x) = n_times((fn x => 3*x),n,x)
Like all expression forms, can appear anywhere
- no function name,just argument pattern
Using anonymous functions
Most common use : Argument to a HOF
- Don’t need a name just to pass a function
But : cannot use an anonymous function for a recursive function
Beacause there is no name for making recursive calls
If not for recursion,
bindings would be syntactic sugar forval
bindings and anonymous functions
fun triple x = 3 * x val triple = fn y => 3*y
也可以写成这样,但是并不是一种好的表述方式( * poor style * ) fun triple_n_times(n,x) = fn(n,x) => n_times((fn x => 3*x),n,x)
2-5 Unnecessary Function Wrapping
fun n_times(f,n,x) =
if n=0 then x
else f(n_times(f,n-1,x))
fun nth_tail(n,xs) = n_times((fn y => tl y), n , xs)
用匿名函数代替:fn y => tl y
但是这种情况下使用匿名 函数是不正确的,正确的是:
fun nth_tail(n,xs) = n_times(tl, n , xs)
由于fn y => tl y
fn x => f x
fun rev xs = List.rev xs
val rev = fn xs => List.rev xs
val rev = List.rev
2-6 Map and Filter
fun map(f,xs) =
case xs of
[] => []
| x:xs' => (f,x)::map(f,xs')
- map的类型为:
val map = fn : ('a -> 'b) * 'a list -> 'b list
- 使用map:
val result = map(fn x => x+1 , [1,2,3])
Map is without doubt 是最有名的 HOF:
The name is standard
You use it all the time once you know it: saves a little space,但是更找你更要的是,保持运算的连续性
Similar predefined function:
fun filter(f,xs) =
case xs of
[] => []
| x::xs' => if f x
then x::(filter(f,xs'))
else filter(f,xs')
- filter类型为:
val filter = fn : ('a -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a list
- 使用filter
val filter_result = filter(fn x => x>1,[1,2,3])
- Filter也是很有名的HOF
2-7 Generalizing Prior Topics
Our examples of first-class functions so far have all:
Take one function as an argument to another function
Processed a number or a list
But first-class functions are usefule anywhere for any kind of data
Can pass serveral functions as arguments
Can put functions in data structures
Can return funtions as results
Can wirte HOF that traverse your own data structures
Useful whenever you want to abstract over “What to compute with”
- No new language features
Return function as result
fun double_or_triple f =
if f 7
then fn x => 2*x
else fn x => 3*x
的签名为:(* (int -> bool) -> (int -> int) * )
val double = double_or_triple(fn x => x-3 = 4)
的签名为:(* (int -> bool) -> int -> int * )
Because it never prints uncessary parentheses and
等价于 t1 -> (t2 -> (t3 -> t4))
2-8 Definition of Lexical Scope
We know function bodies can use any bindings in scope
But now that functions can be passed around: In scope where?
This semantics is called
lexical scope
There are lots of good reasons for this semantics
Discussed after explaining what the semantics is
Later in course: implementing it
Must “get this” for competent programming
val x = 1
(* f maps to a function that adds 1 to its argument *)
fun f y = x + y
(* x maps to 2 , shadows 1 *)
val x = 2
val y = 3
(* call the function defined on line2 with 5 *)
val z = f (x+y)
(* z maps to 6 *)
The semantics of functions has two parts:
part -
that was current when the function was defined -
This is a “pair” but unlike ML pairs, you cannot access the pieces
All you do is call this “pair”
This pair is called
function closure
A call evaluates the code part in the environment part
coming up:
demonstrate how the rule works with HOF
why the other natural rule, dynamic scope is a bad idea
with HOF use this rule-
Passing functions to iterators like
Several more idims
2-9 Why lexical scope
Lexical Scope : use environment where function is defined
Dynamic Scope : use environment where function is called
Decades ago, both might have been considered reasonable, but now we know lexical scope makes much more sense
Here are three reasions:
Function meaning does not depend on variable names used
Function can be type-checked and reasoned about where defined
Closures can easily store the data they need
### Does dynamic scope exist?
- Lexical scope for variables is definitely the right default
- Dynamic scope is occasionally convenient in some situations
- if you squint some, exception handling is more like dynamic scope:
raise e
transfers control to the current innermost handler
- Does not have to by syntactically inside a handl expression
2-10 Closure and Recomputation
When things
Things we know:
A function body is not evaluated until the function is called
A function body is evaluated every time the function is called
A variable binding evaluates its expression when the binding is evaluated, not every time the variable is used.
With closures, this means we can avoid repeating computations that do not depend on function arguments
- Not so worried about performance but good example to emphasize the semantics of functions
这一节的Dan想表达的意思是: closure可以capture value,这个value可以只计算一次,这样就避免重复计算。
2-11 Fold and More Closure
Another famous function: Fold
(and synonyms/close relatives reduce, inject,etc.) is another very famous iterator over recursive structures
Accumulates an answer by repeatedly applying f
to answer so far
fun fold (f,acc,xs) =
case xs of [] => acc
| x::xs =>fold(f,f(acc,x),xs)
- This version “folds left”; another version “folds right”
- Whether the direction matters depends on
(often not)
val fold = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'a) * 'a * 'b list -> 'a
Why iterators again?
These “iterator-like” functions are not build into the language
Just a programming pattern
Though many languages have built-in support, which often allows stopping early without resorting to exceptions
This pattern separates recursive traversal from data processing
Can reuse same traversal for different data processing
Can reuse same data processing for different data structures
In both cases, using common vocabulary concisely communicates intent
- 数组求和:
fun f_sum xs = fold ((fn(x,y) => x+y), 0, xs)
val sum = f_sum [1,2,3]
Iterators made better
Function like
are much more powerful thanks to closures and lexical scope -
Function passed in can use any “private” data in its environment
Iterator “doesn’t event know the data is there” or what type it has
2-12 : Another Closure Idiom: Combining Functions
More idioms
We know the rule for lexical scope and function closures
- Now what is it good for
A partial but wide-ranging list:
Pass functions with private data to iterators: Done
Combine functions(e.g., composition)
Currying(multi-arg functions and partial application)
Callbacks (e.g., in reactive programming)
Implementing an ADT with a record of functions
Combing Functions
Canonical example is function composition:
fun compose(f,g) = fn x => f(g x)
Creates a closure that “remembers” what
are bound to -
val compose = fn : ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b
- 在ML中,这种function compose有特殊的符号表示:
f o g 表示 f (g x)
- 例子:
fun sqirt_of_abs i = Math.sqart (Real.fromInt (abs i ))
fun sqrt_of_abs i = ( Math.sqrt o Real.fromInt o abs ) i
Left-to-right or right-to-left
val sqrt_of_abs = Math.sqrt o Real.fromInt o abs
As in math, function composition is “right to left”
“take absolute value, convert to real, and take square root”
“square root of the conversion to real of absolute value”
“Pipelines” of functions are common in functional programming and many programmers prefer left-to-right
2-13:Another Closure Idiom:Currying
Recall every ML function takes exactly one argument
Previously encoded
arguments via onen-tuple
Another Way: Take one argument and return a function that takes another argument and …
- Called “currying” after famous logican Haskell Curry
fun sorted3_tupled (x,y,z) = z >= y andalso y >= x
val t1 = sorted3_tupled(7,9,11)
- 引入currying:
val sorted3 = fn x => fn y => fn z => z >=y andalso y >= x
fun sorted x = fn y => fn z => z >= y andalso y>=x
val t2 = (((sorted3 7) 9) 11)
Calling (sorted3 7) returns a closure with:
- Code
fn y => fn z => z >= y andalso y>= x
- Environment maps
- Code
Calling that closure with 9 returns a closure with
- Code
fn z => z>=y andalso y >= x
- Environment maps
- Code
Calling that closure with
Syntactic sugar, part1
val t2 = (((sorted3 7) 9) 11)
In general , e1, e2, e3, e4, … means (((e1, e2), e3), e4,)
So instead of
(((sorted3 7) 9) 11)
can just writesorted3 7 9 11
Callers can just think “multi-argument function with spaces instead of tuple expression”
- Different than tupling; caller and callee must use same technique
val wrong1 = sorted3_tupled 7 9 11
val wrong2 = sorted3 (7,9,11)
Syntactic sugar, part2
val sorted3_old = fn x => fn y => fn z => z >=y andalso y >= x
fun sorted3_nicer x y z = z >= y andalso y >= x
val t4 = sorted3_nicer 7 9 11
val t5 = (((sorted3_nicer 7) 9 ) 11)
2-14: Partial Application
Too Few Arguments
Previously used currying to simulate multiple arguments
But if caller provides “too few” arguments, we get back a closure “waiting for the remaining arguments”
Called partial application
Convenient and useful
Can be done with any curried function
No new semantics here: a pleasant idiom
val sum_partial = fold (fn (x,y) => x+y) 0
应该有三个参数: 一个算数表达式,一个初始值,一个数组,显然上面的sum
val sum_partial = fn : int list -> int
val sum_value = sum_partial [1,2,3]
fun exist f xs =
case xs of
[] => false
| x::xs => f x orelse exist f xs
val no = exist (fn x => x=7) [4,11,23]
val hasZero = exist (fn x => x=0 )
2-15 : Currying Wrapup
More combining functions
What if you want to curry a tupled function or vice-versa
What if a function’s arguments are in the wrong order for the partial application you want?
Naturally, it is easy to write higher order wrapper functions
- And their types are neat logical formulas
- 例子:
fun range (i,j) = if i>j then [] else i :: range(i+1,j)
val countup = range 1
肯定是不满足条件的,入参不是tuple,这种情况我们可以使用curry function:
先定义个curry 函数:
fun curry f = fn x => fn y => f (x,y)
fun curry f x y = f (x,y)
val countup = curry range 1
val xs = countup 7 (* [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] * )
fun uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
So which is faster: tupling or currying multiple-arguments?
They are both constant-time operations, so it doesn’t matter in most of your code
For the small part where efficiency matters:
It turns out SML/NJ compiles tuples more efficiently
But many other FP implementation do better with currying(OCaml, F#, Haskell)
- So currying is the “normal thing” and programmers read
as a 3-argument function that also allows partial applications.
- So currying is the “normal thing” and programmers read
2-16 : Mutation
ML has(separate) mutation
Mutable data sturcture are okay in some situations
When “update to the state of world” is appropriate moel
But want most language constructs truly immutable
ML does this with a separate construct: references
New types:
t ref
is a type -
New expressions:
ref e
to create a reference with initial contentse
指针 -
e1 := e2
to update contents 赋值 -
to retrieve contents 取值
Reference example
val x = ref 42
val y = ref 42
val z = x
val _ = x := 43
val w = (!y) + (!z) (* 85 * )
x binds to 一个指向42的指针,因此,x+1会报错,因为x的类型是
int ref
即int型指针 -
x 自身的值是不可以改变的
2-17 : Callbacks
A common idiom: Library takes functions to apply later, when an event occurs - examples:
When a key is pressed, mouse moves, data arrives…
When the program enters some state
A library may accept multiple callbacks
Different callbacks may need different private data with different types
Fortunately, a function’s type does not include the types of bindings in its environment
(In OOP,objects and private fields are used similiaryly, e.g, Java Swing’s event-listeners)
Mutable State
We really do want the “callbacks registered” to change when a function to register a callback is called
Example call-back library
Library maintains mutable state for “What callbacks are there” and provides a function for accpting new ones
A real library would all support removing them,etc.
In example, callbacks have type
int -> unit
So the entire public library interface would be the function for registering new callbacks:
val onKeyEvent : (int -> unit) -> unit
unit 是无用的返回值
Because callbacks are executed for side-effect, they may also need mutable state
Library implementation
2-18 : Standard-Library Doc
ML, like many languages, has a standard library
For things you could not implement on your own
- Examples: Opening a file, setting a timer
For things so common, a standard definition is appropriate
- Examples:
, string concatentation
- Examples:
Where to look:
2-19 : Implementing ADT using closure
2-20 : Closure idioms without Closures
Higher order programming
HOF e.g: with
, is great -
Without closures, we can still do it more manually
In OOP (e.g., Java) with one-method interfaces
In procedural(e.g., C)with explicit environment arguments
Working through this:
Shows connections between languages and features
Can help you understand closures and objects
This segment:
Just the code we will “port” to Java or C
Not using statndard library
Next segments:
The code in Java and C
What works well and what is painful
2-21 : Closure in Java
Java 8 scheduled to have closures(like C#, Scala, Ruby)
Write like => x.age).filter((x) => x>21).length()
Make parallelism and collections much easier
Encourage less mutation
But how could we program in an ML style without help
Will not look like the code above
Was even more painful before Java had generics
One-method interfaces
interface Func<B,A> { B m(A x); }
interface Pred<A> { boolean m(A x); }
An interface is a named type
An object with one method can serve as a closure
- Different instances can have different fields (possibly different types) like different closures can have different environments(possibly different types)
So an interface with one method can serve as a function type
2-22 : Closure in C
3-0 Course Motivation
Why learn the fundamental concepts that appear in all languages?
Why use languages quite different from C, C++, Java, Python?
Why focus on functional programming?
Why use ML, Racket, and Ruby in particular?
Will give some of my reasons in terms of this course
My reasons: more personal opinion than normal lectures
- Other may have equally valid reasons
Partial list: surely other good reasons
In term of course: Keep discussion informal
- Not rigorous proof that all reasons are correct
Will not say one language is “better” than other
No such thing as a “best” PL
Fundamental concepts easier to teach in some PLs
A good PL is a relevant, elegant interface for writing software
- There is no substitute for precise understanding of PL semantics
Functional languages have been on the leading edge for decades
Ideas have been absorbed by the mainstream, but very slowly
First-class functions and avoiding mutation increasingly essential
Meanwhile, use the ideas to be a better C/Java/PHP hacker
Many great alternatives to ML, Racket, and Ruby, but each was chosen for a reason and for how they complement each other.
3-1 Why Study General PL Concepts
Correct reasoning about programs, interfaces, and compilers requires a precise knowledge of semantics
- Not “I feel….”
- Not “I like curly braces more than parenthses”
- Much of software development is designing precise interfaces;
Idioms make you a better programmer
Best to see in multiple settings, including where they shine
See Java in a clearer light even if I never show you Java
3-2 Are All PLs the Same?
Any input-output behavior implementable in language X is implementable in language Y [Church-Turing thesis]
Java, ML, and a language with one loop and three infinitely-large integers are the same
- Same fundamentals reappear: variables, abstraction, one-of types, recursive definitions…
The human condition vs. different cultures(trave to learn more)
The default in one language is awkward in another
Beware “the Turing tarpit”
Why FP?
Why spend 60%-80% of course using FP:
mutation is dicouraged
HOF are very convenient
One of types via constructs like datatypes
These features are invaluable for correct, elegant, efficient
Functional languages have always been ahead of their time
Functional languages well-suited to where computing is going
Ahead of their time
All these were dismissid as “beautiful, worthless, slow things PL professors make you learn”
Garbage collection(Java didn’t exist in 1995, PL courses did)
in Java,C#
), much more like SML than C++ -
XML for universal data representation(like Racket/Scheme/LISP/…)
Type inference(C#,Scala…)
Recursion(a big fight in 1960 about this - I’m told)
The future may resemble the past
Somehow nobody notices we are right … 20 years later
“To conquer” vs. “to assimilate”
Societal progress takes time and muddles “take credit”
Maybe pattern-matching, currying, hygienic macros, etc. will be next
Recent Surge part1
In general , see
Recent Surge part2
Popular adoption of concepts:
C#, LINQ (closures, type inference,…)
Java 8 (closures)
MapReduce / Hadoop
- Avoiding side-effects essential for fault-tolerance here
Why a surge?
My best guesses:
Concise, elegant, productive programming
Javascript, Python, Ruby helped break the Java/C/C++ hegemony
Avoiding mutation is the easiset way to make concurrent and parallel programming easier
- In general, to handle sharing in complex systems
Sure, functional programming is still a small niche, but there is so much software in the world today even niches have room
Why ML,Racket,Ruby?
The languages together
SML, Racket, and Ruby are a useful combination for us
dynamically typed | statically typed | |
functional | Racket | SML |
object-oriented | Ruby | Java/C#/Scala |
ML: polymorphic types, pattern-matching, abstract types & modules
Racket : dynamic typing, “good” macros, minimalist syntax, eval
Ruby: classes but not types, very OOP, mixins
Really wish we had more time:
Haskell: laziness, purity, type classes, monads
Prolog: unification and backtracking
But why not…
Instead of SML, could use similar languages easy to learn after:
OCaml: yes indeed but would have to port all my materials
- And a few small things…
F#: yes and very cool, but needs a .Net platform
- And a few more small things…
Haskell: more popular, cooler types, but lazy semantics and type classes from day 1
Admittedly, SML and its implementations are showing their age, but it still makes for a shine foundation in statically typed , eager functional programming
Instead of Racket, could use similar languages easy to learn after:
- Scheme, List, Clojure,…
Racket has a combination of
A modern feel and active evolution
“Better” macros, modules, structs, constracts,…
A large user base and community(not just for education)
An IDE tailored to education
Could easily define our own language in the Racket system
- Would rather use a good and vetted design
Instead of Ruby, could use another language:
Python,Perl, Javascript are also dynamically typed, but are not as “fully” OOP, which is what I want to focus on
Python also does not have closures
Javascript also does not have classes but is OOP
Smalltalk serves my OOP needs
But implementation merge language / environment
Less modern syntax, user base, etc
###Is this real programming?
The way we use ML/Racket/Ruby can make them seem almost “silly” precisely because lecture and homework focus on insteresting langaguge constructs
“Real” programming needs IO, string operations, floating-point, graphics, project managers, testing framework, threads, build systems…
Many elegant languages have all that and more
- Including Racket and Ruby
If we used Java the same way, Java would seem “silly” too
4-0: Remaining ML Topics
Remaining Topics:
Type Inference
Mutual Recursion
Module System
4-1: Type Inference
(Static)type-checking can reject a program before it runs to prevent the possibility of some errors
- A feature of statically typed languages
Dynamically typed languages do little such checking
- So might try to treat a number as a function at run-time
Will study relative advantages after some Racket
- Racket, Ruby (Python, Javascript…) dynamically typed
ML(and Java,C#,Scala,C,C++)is statically typed
- Every binding has one type, determined “at complie-time”
Impicitly typed
ML is statically typed
ML is implicitly typed: rarely need to write down types
fun f x = (* infer val f : int -> int *)
if x > 3
then 42
else x * 2
- Statically typed: Much more like Java than Javascript
Type infernce
Type inference problem: Give every binding/expression a type such that type-checking succeeds
- Fail if and only if no solution exists
In principle, could be a pass before the type-checker
- But often implemented together
Type inference can be easy, difficult or impossible
Easy: Accept all programs
Easy: Reject all programs
Subtle, elegant, and not magic: ML
4-1 ML Type Inference
#Chap 5: Summary of SML