
上一篇文章中我们使用正则表达式可以将一段文本(代码)变成一个token list,但是我们如何能确定这个token list是否符合有效的语法规则呢?这就是语法分析所要解决的问题。

Syntatical Analysis

Noam Chomsky在1955年提出了一个Syntatic Structure的概念,即utterances have rules(Formal Grammars)。Formal Grmmar将token分成non-terminalsterminals。所谓terminal是指不能被继续替换的token,而non-termninal则可以被某种语法继续分解,比如下面例子

Sentence -> Subject Verb
Subject -> 'Teachers'
Subject -> 'Students'
Verb -> 'Write'
Verb -> 'Think'


Sentence -> Subject Verb -> 'Students' Verb -> 'Students' 'Write'
Sentence -> Subject Verb -> Subject 'Think' -> 'Teachers' 'Think'


Subject -> Subject 'and' Subject


Sentence -> Subject Verb -> Subject 'and' Subject Verb -> 
'Students' 'and' Subject Verb -> 'Students' 'and' Subject 'Think' ->
'Students' 'and' 'Teachers' 'Think'

可见上述的替换过程是一个recursive的过程,我们指定的替换规则则叫做Recursive Grammar Rule。可见通过有限的Grammar rule以及递归产生无限的Derivation。

我们再来看一个实际的例子,假设我们有下面的Grammar Rule

stmt -> 'identifier' = exp
exp -> exp '+' exp
exp -> exp '-' exp
exp -> 'number'


x = 1
y = 2500 - 1
z = z+1


y = exp -> 
y = exp '-' exp -> 
y = 2500 '-' 1

因此y是valid的表达式,而z+1不满足任意一条Grammar rule,因此z不是一个valid的表达式。

另外,Grammar Rules比正则表达式更强大。比如解析数字,正则式为[0-9]+,如果用Grammar rule来表示,则为

number -> 'digit' more_digits
more_digits -> 'digit' more_digits
more_digits -> ϵ

如果用Grammar rule来解析数字42,则推导过程为

number -> 'digit' more_digits -> 'digit' 'digit' more_digits
-> 'digit' 'digit' ϵ -> 'digit' 2 -> 42

Context-Free Grammar


regex -> pplus iopt
pplus -> 'p' pplus
pplus -> 'p'
iopt -> 'i'
iopt -> ϵ

我们称能用正则表达式解析的语言成为Regular Languages,而能用上述Grammar Rule解析的语言称为Context-Free Languages。而所谓的Context-Free指的是不论上下文的context如何,都不影响替换规则。


r'ab' = g -> 'ab'

r'a*' = g ->  ϵ
        g -> 'a' g

r'a|b' = g -> 'a'
         g -> 'b'

实际上,有些场景我们是不能使用regular expression做parser的,比如前文提到的解析HTML文本。这是由于正则式无法检测到括号mismatch的情况,比如



exp -> (exp)
exp -> ϵ


Parse Tree

我们可以将任何一组Grammar Rules变成一个Parse Tree(或者AST),例如还是前面的Grammar Rule

exp -> exp + exp
exp -> exp - exp
exp -> num

假设我们的表达式为1+2-3,对应的token list为[1, + , 2, -, 3]。此时,符合该token list的一个Parser Tree可以表示为

        /  |  \ 
      exp  -   exp
     / | \       \
  exp  +  exp    num
   /       |      |
 num      num     3
  |        |
  1        2

我们可以将token list中的元素从左到右依次填入到叶子节点,得到完整的parse tree

但是同样的token顺序,我们根据上面的语法规则还可以生成另外一个合法的Parse Tree

        /  |  \ 
      exp  +   exp
     /        / | \
   num     exp  -  exp
    |       |       |
    1      num     num
            |       |
            2       3

此时,表达式计算的是1+(2-3),显然,这和我们希望的结果不符。这说明我们的语法规则式具有Ambiguity,即一个表达式会产生不止一个Parse Tree。实际上我们的Parser并不知道四则运算的从左到右的运算规则。一种解决办法是可以给我们的语法规则加一个括号的rule

exp -> (exp)

HTML Grammars


html -> element html
html -> ϵ
element -> 'word'
element -> tag_open html tag-close
tag-open -> '<word>'
tag-close -> '</word>'

假设有一段HTML文本为 <p>welcome to <b>xta0</b> site</p>,生成的Parse Tree为

                               /       \ 
                             ele       html
                       /      |     \    |
                      to    html     tc  ϵ
                    /    /       \    \    
                '<p>'  ele       html '</p>'     
                        |      /      \   
                    'welcome' ele       html
                               |         /   \
                              'to'     ele     ϵ
                                   /    |    \
                                 to    html   tc 
                                 |     / \     |
                               '<b>'  ele html'</b>'     
                                      |    |
                                    'xta0' ϵ

这种Tree structure看起来复杂,但对于计算机来说确实很有效的数据结构,我们后面会提到如何用代码生成Parse Tree。

Javascript Grammar


function up_to_ten(x){
        if(x < 10){
           return x;
        } else {
           return 10;

如果要支持parse上面的语法,我们先来定义如下的Grammar Rules

exp -> 'identifier'
exp -> 'number'
exp -> 'string'
exp -> 'TRUE'
exp -> 'FALSE'
exp -> exp '+' exp
exp -> exp '-' exp
exp -> exp '*' exp
exp -> exp '/' exp
exp -> exp '==' exp
exp -> exp '<' exp
exp -> exp '&&' exp

stmt -> 'identifier' = exp
stmt -> 'return' exp
stmt -> 'if' exp compound_stmt
stmt -> 'if' exp compound_stmt 'else' compound_stmt
compound_stmt -> '{' stmts '}'
stmts -> stmt ';' stmts
stmts -> ϵ

有了这些规则,我们可以顺利的解析一些expression,但是对于像JavaScript或者Python这类高级语言,除了expression之外,还有function,因此我们需要顶一个关于解析函数的Grammar Rule

js -> element js
js -> ϵ

# function definination
element -> 'function identifier(' opt_params ')' compound_stmt
element -> stmt;
opt_params -> params
opt_params -> ϵ
params -> 'identifier', params
params -> 'identifier'

# function call
exp -> ...
exp -> 'identifier(' opt_args) ')'
opt_args -> args
opt_args -> ϵ
args -> exp ',' args
args -> exp

Grammar in Python

上面提到的这些Grammar Rule该如何用代码表示呢,我们以Python为例,还是上面提到的语法规则

exp -> exp + exp
exp -> exp - exp
exp -> (exp)
exp -> num


A -> B C
#python tupe
("A", ["B", "C"])


grammar = [
  ("exp", ["exp", "+", "exp"]),
  ("exp", ["exp", "-", "exp"]),
  ("exp", ["(", "exp", ")"]),
  ("exp", ["num"]),

现在假设我们有一个token list - ['print', exp, ;],我们需要将exp替换为其中一条Grammar Rule,假设我们用第一条 exp -> exp + exp,则替换后的结果为

['print', 'exp', '+', 'exp', ';']


Earley Parser (Shift-Reduce Parser)

接下来,我们来介绍一种基于chart的parsing technique - Earley Parser

我们需要定义一个chart字典,其中的元素是一个数组用来保存条parsing state,数组中不允许有重复的state,因此它是一个ordered set。

# chart[index] returns a list that contains state exactly
# once. The chart is a Python dictionary and index is a number. addtochart
# should return True if something was actually added, False otherwise. You may
# assume that chart[index] is a list.

def addtochart(chart, index, state):
    if state not in chart[index]:
        chart[index] = [state] + chart[index]
        return True
        return False


# x -> ab . cd from j

state = ("x", ["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], j)


我们可以对token list进行从左向右遍历,每遇到一个token,我们来检查它是否是non-terminal,如果是,则进行语法规则替换,这个过程称为computing the closure或者叫predicting。我们来看一个例子

假设当前的Grammar如下,它包含下面几条rewrite rules

E -> E - E
E -> E + E
E -> (E)
E -> 'num'
T -> 'I like t'
T -> ϵ

假设输入的token为 ['a','b','c','d'],当我们paser到 ab时,下一个token为c,此时我们需要看c是否满足某条规则,如果是,则将其按照rewrite rule进行替换

# We are currently looking at chart[i] and we see x => ab . cd from j

# Write the Python procedure, closure, that takes five parameters:

#   grammar: the grammar using the previously described structure
#   i: a number representing the chart state that we are currently looking at
#   x: a single nonterminal
#   ab and cd: lists of many things

# The closure function should return all the new parsing states that we want to
# add to chart position i
grammar = [ 
    ("exp", ["exp", "+", "exp"]),
    ("exp", ["exp", "-", "exp"]),
    ("exp", ["(", "exp", ")"]),
    ("exp", ["num"]),

def closure (grammar, i, x, ab, cd):
    next_states = [
        (rule[0], [], rule[1], i)
        for rule in grammar 
        if len(cd) > 0 and rule[0] == cd[0]

next_states = closure(grammar, i, x, ab, cd)
for next_state in next_states:
    any_changes = addtochart(chart, i, next_state)


所谓shift是指当前token如果是一个terminate token,则skip该token,继续向右parse

# Writing Shift

# We are currently looking at chart[i] and we see x => ab . cd from j. The input is tokens.

# The procedure, shift, should either return None, at which point there is
# nothing to do or will return a single new parsing state that presumably
# involved shifting over the c if c matches the ith token.

def shift (tokens, i, x, ab, cd, j):
    if len(cd) == 0 and tokens[i] == cd[0]:
        return (x, ab + [cd[0]], cd[1:], j)
        return None

next_state = shift(tokens, i, x, ab, cd, j)
if len(next_state) > 0:
    any_changes = addtochart(chart, i+1, next_state)



# Writing Reductions

# We are looking at chart[i] and we see x => ab . cd from j.
# you only want to do reductions if cd == []

def reductions(chart, i, x, ab, cd, j):

next_states = reductions(chart, i, x, ab, cd, j)
for next_state in next_states:
    any_changes = addtochart(chart, i, next_state)
