- 01-30-2025 GenAI | Fine-tuning Stable Diffusion Models
- 01-20-2025 GenAI | How Stable Diffusion Models Work
- 01-06-2025 GenAI | Theory Behind the Diffusion Models
- 11-26-2024 GenAI | LLM Fine-tuning with RLHF
- 11-24-2024 GenAI | LLM Fine-tuning and evaluation
- 11-23-2024 GenAI | LLM Pre-Training
- 11-12-2024 GenAI | The Self-Attention Mechanism
- 11-10-2024 GenAI | The Transformer Architecture
- 06-30-2023 Swift In Depth | Swift binaries and XCFramework
- 06-28-2023 Swift In Depth | Swift modules
- 03-23-2022 On-Device ML | Quantization in PyTorch | Part 2
- 03-22-2022 On-Device ML | Quantization in PyTorch | Part 1
- 02-04-2022 Build an AST Interpreter
- 01-02-2022 Objective-C implementation details in Assembly | 从汇编层面看Objective-C的实现
- 08-16-2021 MIT 6.172 (12) - Parallel Storage Allocation
- 08-10-2021 MIT 6.172 (11) - Storage Allocation
- 08-08-2021 MIT 6.172 (9) - What Compilers can and cannot Do
- 07-15-2021 MIT 6.172 (6) - Multicore Programing
- 07-13-2021 MIT 6.172 (5) - C to Assembly
- 07-12-2021 MIT 6.172 (4) - Assembly Lanugage and Computer Architecture
- 07-12-2021 MIT 6.172 (2) - Bentley Rules for Optimizing Work
- 07-12-2021 MIT 6.172 (1) - Introduction and Matrix Multiplication
- 03-01-2021 Python Deep Dive | Modules and Packages
- 02-20-2021 Python Deep Dive | Scopes, Closures and Decorators
- 02-10-2021 Python Deep Dive | Generators and Coroutine
- 02-01-2021 Python Deep Dive | Sequences
- 01-30-2021 Python Deep Dive | Functions
- 01-10-2021 Python Deep Dive | Variables and Memory Part 2
- 01-05-2021 Python Deep Dive | Variables and Memory Part 1
- 12-10-2020 宗教哲学(一)
- 10-11-2020 C++ Performance | Move Semantics
- 07-10-2020 C++ Performance | Smart Pointer Parameters
- 06-25-2020 C++ Performance | Pass function arguments by value if they're small
- 05-15-2020 C++ Performance | Code size matter
- 01-20-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Semaphores, Lock Implementation, Atomic Instructions
- 01-17-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Concurrency and Mutual Exclusion
- 01-13-2020 CS162 | Operating System | IPC, Pipes and Sockets
- 01-10-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Files and I/O
- 01-05-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Thread and Processes
- 01-03-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Four Fundamental OS Concepts
- 01-01-2020 CS162 | Operating System | Introduction
- 11-03-2019 Paper Machine Learning at Facebook - Understanding Inference at the Edge
- 08-03-2019 PyTorch | Implement GAN Using PyTorch
- 07-10-2019 PyTorch | Implement Neural Networks Using PyTorch
- 06-24-2019 PyTorch | Train a Linear Regression Model using PyTorch
- 05-10-2019 CMake | Survival Guide (1)
- 04-27-2019 C++ Template | MISC
- 04-25-2019 C++ Template | Compile Time Programming
- 03-10-2019 C++ Essentials | RValue and Move Semantics
- 02-15-2019 C++ Essentials | Memory Management
- 01-18-2019 Machine Learning For Trading | Market Mechanics
- 01-10-2019 Machine Learning For Trading | Motivation
- 12-12-2018 Self Driving Cars | Localization Part 2 | The Kalman Filter Approach
- 12-08-2018 Self Driving Cars | Localization Part 1 | The Histogram Filter Approach
- 07-03-2018 Deep Learning | Sequence Models and Attention Mechanism
- 06-20-2018 Deep Learning | Word Embeddings
- 05-14-2018 Deep Learning | Recurrent Neural Network
- 05-09-2018 Deep Learning | Neural Style Transfer
- 05-04-2018 Deep Learning | Semantic Segmentation
- 04-27-2018 Deep Learning | Object Detection - Mask R-CNN
- 04-12-2018 Deep Learning | Object Detection - YOLO
- 04-03-2018 Deep Learning | Classic CNN Models
- 03-20-2018 Deep Learning | Convolutional Neural Networks
- 02-22-2018 Deep Learning | Hyperparameter Tuning | Batch Normalization
- 02-15-2018 Deep Learning | Hyperparameter Tuning | Optimization Algorithms
- 02-05-2018 Deep Learning | Hyperparameter Tuning | Regularization
- 01-28-2018 Deep Learning | Deep Neural Networks
- 01-20-2018 Deep Learning | Shallow Neural Networks
- 01-02-2018 Deep Learning | Logistic Regression as a Neural Network
- 11-24-2017 Machine Learning | OCR
- 11-17-2017 Machine Learning | 大数据学习 | Learning With Large Datasets
- 11-08-2017 Machine Learning | 异常检测 | Anomaly Detection
- 10-29-2017 Machine Learning | 非监督学习 | Unsupervised Learning
- 10-22-2017 Machine Learning | SVM
- 10-15-2017 Machine Learning | 调试 | Debugging
- 10-05-2017 Machine Learning | 神经网络 | Neural Networks
- 09-27-2017 Machine Learning | 逻辑回归 | Logistic Regression
- 08-20-2017 Machine Learning | 线性回归 | Linear Regression
- 08-12-2017 Machine Learning | 概述 | Overview
- 08-02-2017 Machine Learning | Python工具 | Python Stack For ML
- 07-30-2017 The Bayesian Rule | 贝叶斯模型
- 07-16-2017 WWDC 2017 参会报告 | WWDC 2017 Live Report!
- 07-09-2017 近一年的工作感悟 | A review of past year in Alibaba
- 07-01-2017 我们做出了MIST | Announcing MIST
- 02-15-2017 Build a Parser By Hand | 语法分析 | Parsing
- 02-10-2017 Build a Parser By Hand | 词法分析| Lexical Analysis
- 01-12-2017 如何高效学习 | Learn How to Learn
- 12-06-2016 我们开源了FlexLayout | FlexLayout Open Sourced!
- 09-16-2016 十年学会编程 | Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years
- 07-04-2016 iOS App的签名机制 | iOS Signing under the hood
- 06-22-2016 浅谈分布式缓存 | Distributed Cache System
- 06-05-2016 浅谈负载均衡 | Load Balancer
- 05-20-2016 浅谈分布式系统的特征 | Characteristics of Distributed Systems
- 05-15-2016 浅谈CAP理论 | CAP Theorem
- 05-11-2016 浅谈系统设计 | System Design Overview
- 02-08-2016 谈谈 C++ 中的多线程 | Concurrency in Modern C++ | 线程互斥 | Mutex
- 02-03-2016 谈谈 C++ 中的多线程 | Concurrency in Modern C++ | 线程管理 | Managing Threads
- 01-30-2016 谈谈 C++ 中的多线程 | Concurrency in Modern C++ | 概述 | Overview
- 10-08-2015 Linkers and Loaders | LLVM与IR (1) | LLVM IR Part 1
- 08-10-2015 Linkers and Loaders | 符号的可见性问题 | Symbol visibility
- 07-30-2015 Linkers and Loaders | 动态链接与动态库(二) | Dynamic Library part 2
- 07-15-2015 Linkers and Loaders | 动态链接与动态库(一) | Dynamic Library part 1
- 07-04-2015 Linkers and Loaders | 静态链接与静态库 | Static Library
- 06-20-2015 Linkers and Loaders | 综述 | Overview
- 01-14-2015 CS143 Compilers | Parsing & Top-Down Parsing
- 01-10-2015 CS143 Compilers | Lexical Analysis & Finate Automata
- 01-08-2015 CS143 Compilers | LLVM - A Case Study
- 01-02-2015 CS143 Compilers | Overviwe
- 12-28-2014 谈谈AsyncDisplayKit | Introduce to AsyncDisplayKit
- 12-23-2014 Swift中的Object研究 | Swift Object Under the hood
- 12-18-2014 64位的时代 | Transition to 64 Bit
- 11-20-2014 谈谈MV* | Some thoughs on MV* pattern
- 11-06-2014 VZInspector开源了 | VZInspector has been open sourced
- 10-22-2014 使用Dotfile | Making your own dotfile
- 10-02-2014 Package Manager
- 08-03-2014 解释一段BrainFuck代码 | BrainFuck
- 06-26-2014 理解JavaScript | 模块 | Module in Node.js
- 06-23-2014 理解JavaScript | 面向对象设计 | OOP
- 06-20-2014 理解JavaScript | 常识 | Wierd Parts
- 04-25-2014 编程语言原理 | Programming Language | Functions
- 04-24-2014 编程语言原理 | Programming Language | SML
- 03-05-2014 iOS中的BLE | Bluetooth 4.0 in iOS
- 02-04-2014 Lua 中的协程 | Coroutine in Lua
- 02-02-2014 Lua中的C | C API in Lua
- 12-10-2013 Scala Part 3 | 面向对象部分| OOP
- 12-09-2013 Scala Part 2 | Tail Recursion & Higher Order Function
- 12-03-2013 Scala Part 1 | 语言概述 | Language Overview
- 11-20-2013 实现Lomo效果 | Lomo Effect in iOS
- 08-25-2013 规避__unretain_unsafe指针 | Fix unretain-unsafe Pointer in iOS
- 07-30-2013 iOS中的vImage | vImage in iOS
- 07-20-2013 Arduino 101
- 07-12-2013 iOS中Rendering的性能分析 | Performant rendering in iOS
- 06-15-2013 ARM32汇编基础 | Assembly on ARM32
- 05-15-2013 学习 Haskell (二) | Learn You a Haskell for Great Good | Recursiion & HOF
- 05-10-2013 学习 Haskell (二) | Learn You a Haskell for Great Good | Basic
- 02-02-2013 Regular Expression | 案例分析 | Case Study
- 02-01-2013 Regular Expression | 基本语法 | Syntax
- 01-02-2013 iOS中处理线程同步问题 | Thread synchronization
- 01-01-2013 多线程问题的根源 | Why We Have Threading Problems
- 11-30-2012 理解AFNetworking中的Runloop | Runloop in AFNetworking
- 11-25-2012 理解iOS中的线程池 | Thread Management in iOS
- 11-17-2012 理解iOS中的Runloop | Runloop in iOS
- 10-22-2012 理解UIView的绘制原理 | Understand Drawing in iOS
- 09-02-2012 理解iOS中的Method Overloading | Method Overloading in iOS
- 08-16-2012 理解Objective-C的Block | Understand Block in Objective-C
- 08-10-2012 理解iOS中的Quartz2D | Understand Quartz2D in iOS
- 08-06-2012 理解Objective-C中的KVO | KVO in iOS
- 07-11-2012 理解iOS中的内存结构(二) | Debuging Memory Issues in iOS Part 2
- 07-10-2012 理解iOS中的内存结构(一) | Debuging Memory Issues in iOS Part 1
- 05-08-2012 XCode 调试 | XCode Debug Tools
- 02-10-2012 理解iOS中的"isa"指针 | "isa" pointer in iOS
- 12-12-2011 iOS Core Animation From WWDC 2010
- 12-08-2011 UIView的frame和bounds | Frame & Bounds in iOS
- 12-07-2011 iOS中的OpenGL | OpenGL 1.1 in iOS
- 11-30-2011 计算机图形学 | Computer Graphics | 数学基础
- 11-06-2011 Android实现RTSP | RTSP in Android
- 11-03-2011 MP4文件中的H.264存储方式 | H.264 Format in MP4
- 10-12-2011 RTP包中的H.264格式 | H.264 Package Format in RTP
- 08-12-2011 Java基础 | 基本语法 | Basic Syntax
- 08-09-2011 Java基础 | 概述 | Language Overview
- 07-20-2011 Web中的同源策略 | The Same Origin Policy
- 07-18-2011 Web中的Cookie机制 | What is Cookie
- 07-10-2011 非对称加密与HTTPs | Asymmetric Encryption and HTTPs
- 07-02-2011 观察TCP的握手机制 | Observe TCP Handshakes
- 06-16-2011 SQL简明操作 | SQL Syntax Quick Reference
- 04-04-2011 配置Nginx(二)| Nginx as Reverse Proxy
- 04-02-2011 配置Nginx(一) | Nginx Basic Configuration
- 03-06-2011 Linode快速上手(二) | Setup NodeJS & Jekyll
- 03-05-2011 Linode快速上手(一) | Setup HTTPs and Nginx
- 02-13-2011 Git的内部结构 | Git Internals
- 02-10-2011 Git中的一些重要概念 | Understand Git Concept
- 02-06-2011 Git简明操作 | Git Quick Reference
- 12-03-2010 Ruby 语法速查 | Ruby Syntax Quick Reference
- 04-16-2010 Basic Algorithms | 动态规划(一) | Dynamic Programming Part 1
- 03-10-2010 Basic Algorithms | 广度优先搜索(二)| BFS part 2
- 03-06-2010 Basic Algorithms | 广度优先搜索(一)| BFS part 1
- 03-03-2010 Basic Algorithms | 分治法 | Divide and Conquer
- 02-27-2010 Basic Algorithms | 深搜与回溯(二) | DFS & Backtracking Part 2
- 02-24-2010 Basic Algorithms | 深搜与回溯(一) | DFS & Backtracking Part 1
- 02-20-2010 Basic Algorithms | 递归 | Recursion
- 02-12-2010 Basic Algorithms | 二分法 | Binary Search
- 02-09-2010 Basic Algorithms | 几种朴素算法 | Naive Algrorithms
- 02-03-2010 Basic Algorithms | 算法度量 | Big O notation
- 01-28-2010 Basic Algorithms | 算法分析基础 | Algorithm Analysis Basics
- 01-20-2010 Basic Algorithms | 概述 | Overview
- 10-15-2009 C++ Primer| Tools for large programs| 用于大型程序工具
- 10-10-2009 C++ Primer | STL Algorithms | STL 算法
- 09-30-2009 C++ Primer | STL Containers | STL容器
- 09-20-2009 C++ Primer | Templates & Generic Programming | 模板与泛型(二)
- 09-15-2009 C++ Primer | Templates & Generic Programming | 模板与泛型(一)
- 09-10-2009 C++ Primer | OOP | 面向对象设计
- 09-05-2009 C++ Primer | Operator Overload | 运算符重载
- 08-30-2009 C++ Primer | Copy Control | 拷贝控制
- 08-20-2009 C++ Primer | Lambda Expression | Lambda表达式
- 08-10-2009 C++ Primer | Smart Pointer | 智能指针
- 08-05-2009 C++ Primer | The Basics | 基础
- 11-17-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Indexing Part 3
- 11-12-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Indexing Part 2
- 11-05-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Indexing Part 1
- 10-22-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Hashing
- 10-14-2008 Basic Data Strutures | External Sort Algorithm
- 10-07-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Sort Part 2
- 10-01-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Sort Part 1
- 09-25-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Graph Part 2
- 09-10-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Graph Part 1
- 08-30-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Union-Find and Trie
- 08-24-2008 Basic Data Strutures | N-ary Tree
- 08-19-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Balanced BST
- 08-11-2008 Basic Data Strutures | BST
- 08-04-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Huffman Tree
- 07-29-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Heap
- 07-20-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Binary Tree
- 07-15-2008 Basic Data Strutures | String
- 07-10-2008 Basic Data Strutures | Stack and Queue
- 07-05-2008 Basic Data Structures | Linked List
- 07-02-2008 Basic Data Structures | Array
- 07-01-2008 Basic Data Structures | Some Learning Resource
- 10-13-2007 UNIX 脚本语法 | Shell Script Basics
- 10-10-2007 UNIX 常用命令 | UNIX Shell Commands
- 10-05-2007 UNIX Vim速查 | Vim Quick Reference
- 07-26-2007 C Part 5 | 位操作 | Bitwise Operations
- 06-20-2007 C Part 3 | C语言语法 | C Basic Syntax
- 06-01-2007 C Part 2 | 使用Makefile | Makefile
- 05-01-2007 C Part 0 | 计算导论 | Introduction to Computation